Hello all,
I haven't posted on here for a while and I thought I'd come back. We all know there is a global pandemic and we haven't been able to do the things we would have liked. But now the lockdown restrictions are easing in the UK, we can all go out and see our mates that we haven't seen in a long time.
I have tried to not let the pandemic get mw down, oh no! I started a uni course this year to get a certificate, as I didn't want to go straight for a degree and find out I did not like it and quit, with history modules. I love history and visiting museums, stately homes and castles. I love learning about the past and I want to have a career in history, maybe a museum? I'm not sure yet, I just know it's history related. I'm with the open university and I am loving the course at the moment. Yes the assignments are hard, but if they were easy, there would be no point in me taking the course and I wouldn't get a thrill at getting high marks, which I am! I got 95% on my first assignment, which is the highest I have ever gotten in my life! 😁😁
I have no job at the moment as I had to give up my cleaning job because I kept getting injuries and kept getting ill. I have no idea why, but it was affecting my mental health that I was ill all the time, so I had to leave and that was May 2020. I am looking for work but wish me luck, fingers crossed I find something in the history sector. I have got a voluntary position at a museum near where I live and I am excited! I can get experience in that area.
I have gotten into diamond painting, and so has my mum. My sister got my mum a diamond painting of our cat, she had is done specially and it looks amazing! I am getting a bit obsessed with them and I have completed 2 and on my 3rd.
I have also started watching game of thrones and I love it. No spoilers please as I am only on series 1.
Hope to see you soon
Julia xx